Sunday September 18th | Pete James kicked off our latest teaching series called "Depth in a time of Growth" on Sunday. It is a pastoral series naming the opportunities and challenges of the season we are in as a community. He spoke about the need for depth and not just growth and how important curious faith will be as we face uncertainties and questions as a community moving forward.


Sunday September 25th | Pete James continued our series on "depth in a time of growth" by looking at the risk of consumerism as a church grows and how we can subtly swap church as "a people" for church as "a product"


Sunday October 2nd | Dan explores the dangers of convenience, security and comfort, and how the practice of being faithfully present to those who Jesus calls ‘the least’ can enable us to become the church we are called to be - a family on a mission.


Sunday October 9th | In the penultimate talk in our series on “depth in a time of growth” Pete James highlights the need for us to retain a sustained hunger for a move of God in our time and not succumb to apathy as the church gets more established.


Sunday October 16th | Pete James concluded our pastoral series "depth in a time of growth" by looking at how important it is for our depth to be in Jesus. He described the biblical invitation to spiritual maturity and how that is contested in daily life. He outlines the risk of unintentional spiritual formation and the need for us to therefore be highly intentional to be formed in the way of Jesus.

