We believe the story you live in, is the story you will live out.
Beginning October 1st we will be relaunching the Bible reading practice of our church, BREAD. BREAD is an acronym that stands for be still, read, encounter, apply and devote. As a community we’ll be using this framework daily to engage with scriptures.
Below you’ll be able to get hold of a BREAD journal that allows you to work your way through the New Testament in a year using the acronym outlined above. This reading discipline is easy to engage with, accessible regardless of your current bible engagement and we believe brings huge life to those who partake in it.
As we work through the New Testament together, we’ll be making two communal practices available.
MEALS. Firstly, last year we began to gather as a small group at the end of each book or significant markers to go through how God had spoken to us and how we’d been moved and challenged by the text. This was such a rich, joyful and profound time and we’ll be gathering for meals this year, please come along!
YOUVERSION. Secondly we are also going to be using the youversion app to follow through the text and aide our reading with commentaries and videos.
To join both of these practices, see below for more information.
We hope that this practice brings you life and enables you to engage with the Bible in a fresh and exciting way. Our prayer is that God speaks clearly to you and you encounter the radical love of Jesus afresh.
Grab a Journal!
You can now buy a BREAD Journal below and pick them up from church with your email confirmation. We understand that £7.50 may be a stretch in this time, if this is the case, let one of our staff members know as we’d love to gift a journal to you free of charge.
(You will be taken to a third-party page to buy the journal as a “ticket”)
Communal Practices
We'll be meeting at the end of books and significant markers throughout the year to discuss how God has spoken to us and how we've been shaped by the word! These are times of deep joy and profound sharing. The next four dates are below:
2nd Feb (Luke)
9th March (John)
27th April (Acts)
Please contact Jonah if you'd like to join. We would love to have you. jonah@stbasils.church -
One of the profound difficultiies of reading the bible is the isolation that can take place when it's done as a solo activity. Scripture reading is meant to be a communal discipline that shapes the body of Christ (not individual limbs!).
With this in mind, we're going to be tracking the journey together on YouVersion, the bible reading app. This platform allows us to read commentaries, access videos and share what's struck us as we travel through the book together. Please scan the QR code above (using your camera) to join in!