Prison Ministry
It’s a great joy and privilege to serve the men inside HMP Exeter and HMP Channings Wood as volunteers with the chaplaincy team.
Almost from the beginning of our story we have had the privilege of regularly heading inside HMP Exeter to join in with the work of the chaplaincy team to serve the prisoners and staff.
Our activity within Devon’s prisons now varies from poetry workshops, bible studies, wing walking, bereavement groups and regular Sunday services.
To find out more about this ministry, please contact our prison ministry lead, Jonah: jonah@stbasils.church
Poetry Workshops and Bible Studies
We have a regular, weekly presence within HMP Exeter. Our activities at the moment are either poetry workshops (working in conjunction with Pete Davies Poet) or bible studies run by Jonah and the team.
A weekly presence within HMP Exeter allows the team to get to know the men and to share in fellowship with them in a difficult and complex setting. These are times of great joy amidst deep sorrow and we’re grateful to the incredible chaplaincy team that continues to invite us in regularly.
Sunday Services
Every second, third and fifth Sunday a team from St Basil’s visits HMP Exeter for two Sunday services.
We currently take in a team to provide preaching, sung worship and prayers. This involvement relies heavily on volunteers and if you’re interested in serving please do not hesitate to reach out and contact Jonah (jonah@stbasils.church).
Other activity inside HMPs
Whilst we have a consistent presence in HMP Exeter which is organised and ran from within our staff team, we are also hugely privileged to have members of our congregation who visit and work within HMP Channings Wood.
Ian Cockram and Jules Hodge both visit HMP Channings Wood with the support and blessing of the St Basil’s community. Ian spends his time walking wings and engaging with men on a weekly basis and Jules runs a number of courses inside focusing upon bereavement and reconciliation. We are immensely grateful for their experience and continued commitment to the men inside Channings Wood.