Seed Communities exist so we can be in community whilst on mission. They are mid-size groups (roughly 10-30 people) gathered around either a people, a place or prayer. Where our Central Service gather us all together in worship and our Common Life Groups are for going on a deep formational journey, Seed Communities are a flexible and varied landscape of groups with the purpose of joining in God’s mission to the region around us.
Three types of Seed Communities
These are groups who share a passion for a particular people group. It might be workers in the NHS, those in the criminal justice system, mid-Devon farmers, young mothers, foster parents or those experiencing homelessness. The group gathers in order to pray for, be in community with and serve this people group.
These are groups who feel called to seek God for and be a Christian presence in a particular place. It might be a village, a part of Dartmoor or a neighbourhood of a town or city: it is a group seeking to build community there; witness the love of God there; partner with churches and projects there; and pursue justice there.
These groups are for those of who feel like you are on mission every day through your daily vocation and need to be in a community that will love you and pray for you as you live out this missional life. In the other groups, the group has a shared sense of call - to a people or a place - but in these groups you champion each other in all your varied callings.
Potential Groups
We are currently prayerfully brewing a number of different groups and they shall begin to appear on here from mid-November. So watch this space! For now, if you are someone with an idea you’d like to explore, fill in the form below!
Have you got an idea for a Seed Community? If so, we’d love to hear from you!