Church Update
Autumn 2024
We are positioning ourselves for long term health and missional agility for the sake of the region around us. From 3 November we will have three layers to our gathered life: a weekly Central Service; missional Seed Communities; and formational Common Life Groups.
Understanding the season.
To understand what St Basil’s is stepping into moving forward, we recommend you read the letter below and listen back to Pete’s vision talk from 8 September, which outlined both the vision and structures of the season ahead.
Understanding Common Life Groups.
Honest, committed, prayerful mini groups of four, pursuing maturity in Christ through shared stories and shared rhythms based around the four threads of our Common Life.
Seed Communities are a flexible and creative “middle layer” to our church life where communities emerge around a common sense of call to a people or a place.
Understanding Seed Communities.
Understanding Central Services.
From 10 November, we are re-starting a weekly Central Service as a constantly “open door” and “burning centre” to our community. 9.30am cafe, 10am service at West Town Farm in Ide.

“If a man has one hundred sheep but one of the sheep wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine and go to look for the one that wandered off?” Matthew 18:12