Thank you for your generosity.
We are a new church family and any support you can offer financially makes a huge difference in realising the vision we have. But more than that, we believe everything we have is God’s and generosity with our money and possessions is part of our worship. Should you wish to, there are a couple of ways you can give to St Basil’s, you can give as a one-off or regularly by either of the ways below. All giving is hugely appreciated!
1. Online Banking (Standing Order and One-off Gifts)
If you have access to online banking, you’re able to set up regular giving through Standing Order, or one-off gifts by BACS transfer. Regular giving allows us to budget more effectively, and so is incredibly helpful.
To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:
The Co-operative Bank
Account no: 67222863
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account name: St Basil’s Church, Devon
Ref: [initial+surname/StBasils]
Eg. JSMITH/StBasils
2. Via Our Website (Direct Debit and Card Transactions)
If it’s simpler to set up, you can set up Direct Debit and one-off card payments using the button below. Note that we are charged a small transaction fee for each payment, though we can also claim Gift Aid at the point of donation.
Gift Aid
Whichever way you choose to give to St Basil’s, if you’re a UK taxpayer please complete the Gift Aid form below. Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, we can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your gift.