St Basil’s Church is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Registered Charity 1193097) and, as such, has trustees to ensure the organisation is run in line with our charitable objectives. Our church leader, Revd Pete James, is deliberately not a trustee in order to ensure greater accountability.
Callum Campbell (Chair). Callum has been the CEO of a large software company and has expertise in the area of business, finance and organisational strategy. He grew up in Devon.
Revd Pete Hughes. Pete is the Leader of Kings Cross Church (KXC) in London, from which St Basil’s was planted. He is on the leadership team of Wildfires Festival.
Revd Lois Tackie-Oblie. Lois’s background is as a lawyer in London and is now ordained in the Church of England.
Peter Stephenson. Peter is the Director of St Petrock’s; Exeter’s leading homelessness charity. He has a decades of experience working to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged.
Gemma Hall. Gemma’s a primary school teacher by background and is one of our safeguarding leads.
Church of England
St Basil’s is a part of the wider family of churches that is the Diocese of Exeter within the Church of England. Revd Pete James (the leader of St Basil’s) is an ordained priest and licensed within the diocese and our curate, Revd Dan Miles, is an ordained deacon. As such, we are ultimately accountable to the Bishop of Exeter and we have been established via a Bishops’ Mission Order (BMO).
On a more practical basis, St Basil’s is regularly overseen by a “project board” which meets termly and includes the Bishop of Crediton, Archdeacon of Exeter and the Diocesan Director of Finance to ensure the church is healthy and on target with its vision.