Sunday 29 December 2024 | Dan describes how praying The Examen can help us to see how Jesus has been at work in the day (or year) just gone, which helps us to grow in seeing him at work in each present moment. As we then choose to follow him in trusting obedience, keeping in step with the Spirit, we become the children of God.

Sunday 13 October 2024 | This week we celebrated harvest festival together and Pip Campbell-Clause spoke to us – in a theologically rich and deeply practical talk - about how we should see Jesus not just as saviour but also as creator. Pip unpacked the importance of creation care in our understanding of mission and, in keeping with our harvest theme, specifically invited us to play our part in challenging broken food systems with the way we live and purchase. (For more information on Pip & Will’s Charity, Cactus, please click here.)

Sunday 8 September 2024 | To kick off the new term, Pete James speaks about the season we have ahead as a community, emphasising the invitation to courageous mission for the sake of the hurting world around us. He also speaks to how we are pivoting some of our structures as a church to get ourselves in the right shape to fulfil our calling and seek God's renewal in the region. If you are a committed part of this church, this is a key one to listen back to!

Speaking from both Hebrews 11 and the Exodus narrative, Pete Hughes encourages us as a church that spiritual maturity takes a lifetime and comes from trusting God's power, provision and presence.

10 March 2024 | Pete gives an update on the season ahead for St Basil’s. You can open up the slides for Pete’s talk here.

7 January 2024 | On the first Sunday of the year, Becky unpacks what it might look like for us as a church to partner with a move of God through prayer. Focusing on what prayer does in us (growing intimacy and surrender) and what prayer does through us (living lives of intercession and being sent with authority).

31 December 2023 | As we gathered on New Years Eve, Pete James walked through the Easter narrative as a way of reviewing 2023 by naming where we experienced unmet expectations (Jesus on a donkey), deaths (Good Friday), silences (Holy Saturday), new life (Easter Sunday) and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost).

3 September 2023 | Dan shares a reflection from Psalm 63, encouraging us to cultivate hunger for God’s presence and transformative power, by choosing to wait on him in whatever circumstance we face.


28 May 2023 | Ele Mumford shares on the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday.


16 April 2023 |Dan shares a brief reflection on baptism before those being baptised share their testimonies. By uniting us with Christ, baptism restores our human identity and takes us to where Christ is - closer to the forgotten corners of the world and closer to others invited there.


8 January 2023 | Pete invites the church not to live in reaction to the ups and downs the year will hold, but to consistently prepare for the circumstances we’ll face in the ‘public place’, by fostering intimacy with Jesus through prayer in the ‘private place’.


11 September 2022 | Dan reflects on Peter’s denial and reinstatement. Jesus doesn’t dwell on Peter’s failure but loves him in his brokenness; he gives Peter a fresh opportunity to trust in his love and reaffirms his calling to share the love he’s received with others.


5 June 2022 | Pentecost To mark Pentecost Sunday, Pete James speaks about how the breathe of God brings life to dry bones and invites us to be a community that goes on being filled with the Spirit


8 May 2022 | The Spirit of the Lord This week we took a break from our Ephesians series to hear from one of our Trustees, Pete Hughes. Pete leads KXC in London with his wife Bee and was instrumental in the planting of St Basil's. Pete spoke on the importance of undivided devotion as the foundation for the Christian life

