Small Sundays at St Basil’s

1st and 3rd Sundays until September

Small Sundays enable us to gather in smaller "chapters" of our wider story as a church in order to deepen our sense of being known in community, create more space for people to be activated in their gifts and oxygenate the conversation around mission.

Some of these are existing Homes groups that have pivoted to meet on Sundays, others are new groups. Some are full of those who live in a particular place, others gather from far and wide. Some are bursting with kids and youth, others are full of neighbours. Some meet in houses, others in parks, or village halls, or empty parish churches. Some have an emphasis on worship, others prayer ministry, others hospitality, and others discussing scripture.

Fundamentally, our hope is that each Small Sunday group is a loving community marked out by God's presence so that everyone has a place to belong throughout this time.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10.23-25

Sign up

Find a group below and sign up, please make sure to include any kids too. If you’re not yet on our database it would be helpful if you could also fill out a connect form here.

You should get an email confirming you’re signed up, then we’ll give your contact details to the group leaders.

Get involved

The first Small Sunday is 5 May, in the coming days the leaders of your group will get in touch to say hi, tell you all you need to know, and answer any questions you might have.

We want these to be environments in which everyone can participate and have their gifts activated, so do find ways you can contribute.

Feeling Stuck?

We want to make space for everyone who calls St Basil’s their spiritual home to join a Small Sunday group where they can experience care and belonging.

If you can’t find a group with space for you we want to help - please let us know using the form below.


Any Questions? Get in touch.

If you’re struggling to find a group that works for you we’d love to know as we may be able to help. Please do get in touch with any questions using the form below …