Sunday 28th April | Pete James opens up our new teaching series "Seize the Day: confronting the causes of us putting off God's Kingdom" with a look at what happens when we experience shame and unworthiness. Pete unpacks the parable of the prodigal son and how the embrace of our heavenly Father "whilst still far off" is what should define us, not our shame.

Sunday 12th May | Pete James continues our series "Seize the Day" by looking at the critical discipleship issue of how we use our time. Outlining how Jesus lived from identity and toward purpose, Pete unpacks the vision of the New Testament to have our lives purposed toward union with God. Pete then explores three diversions from this way of life and how they effect how we use our time: living with a victim narrative; sleep-walking through life; and investing in idols.

Sunday 26th May | On Sunday, Pete James continued our series "Seize the Day" by looking at the question: “is your money helping grow the kingdom of God?". Speaking from the parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12, Pete highlights how significant a discipleship issue money is because of its destructive power but also its creative potential. He speaks about how giving can limit the former and release the latter and calls us into the New Testament vision of being "stewards" (oikonomia) of the money that flows to us that it might flow through us and bless the community around us.

Sunday 9th June | Becky Callaghan continues our series exploring the question: “is your fear holding back the kingdom of God?” looking at how fear can shape the way we think about God, ourselves and the world around us. Drawing upon the story of Moses, Becky looks at the way a secure attachment with God leads us away from responses to fear, such as control, and instead leads us towards a life of surrender. When we learn to live with trust and dependency on God, his kingdom advances in and through our lives.

Content warning: This episode carries a content warning for eating disorders. We do not go into details but anorexia is mentioned as part of an illustration.

Sunday 14th July | Continuing our series “Seize the Day”, Pete James looks at the topic of pain. He outlines a Christian vision for pain and how our pain can either be a prison or a portal into God’s presence; it can either be the epicentre of God’s in-breaking Kingdom in our lives or the headquarters of a resistance to that kingdom.

Sunday 28 July | Dan considers perfectionism as one self-destructive and addictive belief system among others whereby we strive to earn love and avoid shame. When instead we adopt the approach of the prodigal son who recognises his lostness, repents and receives love and forgiveness, we are strengthened to take risks for God’s kingdom

Sunday 11 August | Meg continues our current series by sharing how in her journey with Him, Jesus has been confronting obstacles and healing her so that He can establish His kingdom in and through her life.

Content warning: This episode carries a content warning for abuse and suicide. We do not go into details but both are mentioned in Meg’s story.

