Sunday 22 September | Dan begins a series reflecting on how we can become a church for the sake of those around us. He unpacks how God invites us as the church to participate in the movement of his love towards a hurting world. He also explores how Jesus begins his ministry and continues in it, with a particular focus on how he calls us to be found where he is found, often on the other side of boundaries that divide.

Sunday 29 September | Continuing our "For the Sake Of" series, Pete unpacks the moment Jesus washes the disciples feet alongside the stunning theology of Philippians 2. Jesus, taking the form of a servant, redefines the culturally accepted "course of honour" from the accumulation of success, power and wealth to a life of humility and service of others. Within the beauty of this, there is also a challenge: as Jesus was sent in humility to display God's heart, so are we.

Sunday 27 October | Jonah continues our series ‘For the Sake Of’ by looking at how we often neglect and ignore people in our lives much like Simon in Luke 7. Simon is intrigued by the person Jesus, but not captivated by him. To love those everyone else rejects we must continually return to the feet of Jesus, the one who first extends mercy and love, and empowers us to do the same.

Sunday 10 November | Becky Callaghan continues our series unpacking how Jesus’ passionate pursuit for proximity both to his Father and to humanity, fuelled his mission on earth. By walking in true holiness and love, He challenged religious oppression, exposed injustice and restored people to their Father.

Sunday 17 November | As Jesus was sent proclaiming the Kingdom and demonstrating it with signs that lead to wonder, so are we. Ele Mumford unpacks this principle in a faith-stirring, commissioning talk.

