Sunday 2 February | In the final instalment of the series, Georgi Kapepula speaks from her testimony about what is often termed a "dark night of the soul" and when it’s harder to "feel" God's presence. Georgi invites us to not give up, look for the deeper, maturing work God might be doing and trust he has not, in fact, left us after all.

Sunday 26 January | Dan unpacks Jesus’ parable about waiting for the bridegroom in Matt 25, inviting us to see that God prepares us in times of waiting - He’ll grow our faith if we continue to cry out to him instead of reducing our expectations or taking things into our own hands.

Sunday 12 January | Pete continues our series of short reflections on how to prioritise the presence of God in our lives. Speaking from 1 Corinthians 10 – "everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial" – he calls our attention to the things in our lives we hardly even notice but which are slowly decaying our soul and stealing our worship. We were made for more than wasting our lives on the trivial!

Sunday 5 January | Speaking from Deuteronomy 11, Pete offers a brief reflection on the difference between “footpumps from the Nile or rains from heaven” and offers an invitation to not live dependant on our own strength and skill in the year ahead.

