Sunday 2 March Pete James closes out our series on the life of Josiah by encouraging us as a church to a spiritual defiance embodied in practices that help us live in the story of God and not let our hearts be won over by idols.

Sunday 23 February Josiah’s personal repentance led to a corporate renewal that prepared a generation to thrive in exile. Dan explores how we can cultivate a humble and responsive heart like Josiah’s, so that we also can participate in the work God wants to do in and through us.

Sunday 16 February Jonah continues our series on lessons from Josiah's life by diving deeper into the discovery of the scriptures in 2 Kings 22. Highlighting the central role of the word of God in how God brings about renewal, Jonah asks us the question: are we living off historical words of God or the living word of God?

Sunday 9 February | Pete opens up our new series on Josiah, giving an overview of the storyline and the lessons we can all take from his life. Pete walked us through Josiah's "blueprint" for renewal: taking responsibility for what happened on his watch; recognising where they had gone astray through the revelation of the word of God, repenting and removing idols; replacing with practices in line with the covenant.

